Allendale has a long standing tradition of reliable service for over 20 years. We strive on building long lasting relationships with our clients by being personable and providing excellent customer service. Above all else, helping the callers is our goal. To provide that help, it all starts with the operators.
Our operators all have a background is customer service. They go through an extensive training process which involves numerous goals that must be accomplished before they are an Allendale agent. This training ensures a level of quality that our clients have come to expect.
Agents alone do not make a good, reliable service. At Allendale Answering Service we have taken every precaution to ensure that our service stays up to date and operational no matter what Mother Nature has in store.
We have a full redundant computer system, duplicate phone lines with multiple providers along with failover support. Allendale’s natural gas power generator & uninterrupted power supply ensure no interruption, whether the wind may blow or the ice may fall. By utilizing Remote Operators, someone will always be there to answer your calls even when the roads become impassable.
Having all of these technologies in place along with an experienced staff, it is clear to see why so many are want to Experience the Allendale Difference.